Why use a face cleanser?

A clean and glowing face is a sight to behold. It tells a lot about a person and creates a positive impression that goes a long way. So, cleaning our face must be an integral part of our skin care routine. Why cleanse? Well, cleansing helps remove all the unwanted stuff, such as excess oil, makeup, sweat, dirt, and dead cells, from our skin. It refreshes our skin and gives our complexion a much required breather. It also creates an ideal foundation for the skin on which one can safely apply products like face moisturizer or makeup. Different people have different skin types and those skin types and varying needs. 

Now that we know why we need to cleanse our skin we can rightly say that face cleansers are formulated to clean our skin. Cleansers are products we use to remove normal accumulation of natural oil and dirt, makeup, sunscreen, particles of pollution, and dead skin cells. Cleansers help in unclogging pores and exfoliation of the topmost skin cells. Our skin is the most living part of our body. It keeps on dying and regenerating all the time without stopping. So cleansers play a vital role in skin health. Their main role is to clean our skin without stripping the top layer completely.

Face cleansers are different from other cosmetic facial products as they clean our skin while also hydrating and soothing it. They are usually richer in texture than face washes. Face cleansers are carefully formed with ingredients that nourish our skin, boost moisture content in our skin, and balance our complexion. As the main aim of face cleansers is to gently clean our skin without stripping away too much oil, they are considered an ideal product for many skin types, such as normal, sensitive, and, dry. Even oily skin types can benefit from incorporating a cleanser into their skin care routine, especially if they experience their skin tightening or drying after washing. If that sounds like you, try using a face wash at night and then a cleanser in the morning to keep your skin health balanced. Facial cleansers come in different forms, and it is advised to choose the one that is best suited for your skin type and your surroundings.

To get the right kind of nourishment for your skin it is important that you find the right facial cleanser for your skin type. Ways to use a cleanser can vary a lot. You can find water-like cleansers to dense creamy cleansers. Ideally, you should cleanse twice in a day – once in the morning and once in the evening. This is because overnight we sweat and our pores release natural oils that make our skin shiny unclean when we wake up. This is why we should start our day with removing the excess oil, sebum, and sweat from our skin and start the day by looking fresh and glowing. In the evening cleansing can help remove makeup, oil and dirt that have accumulated on our faces throughout the hard toil of the day. Cleanse off the dirt and residue before you go to bed so that your skin can breathe and regenerate itself over the course of the night. Washing the face with lukewarm water in a circular motion, starting in the center of the face and going outwards is recommended.

How to cleanse for different skin types

If you have oily or acne-prone skin, you may think that washing your face multiple times in a day is a good idea. It isn’t. Cleansing too much may do more harm than good. Too much cleansing can cause your skin to go into an overproduction of natural oils and you can end up with getting more blemishes than before. When looking for ideal products for oily skin look for products that remove excess oil without drying out the skin.

It is very important to remove makeup at the end of the day. Leaving makeup on your skin can cause clogging of the pores and residue of the makeup to seep into your pores overnight. In addition to washing your face with your cleanser you can use a makeup remover to effectively remove dirt, oil, and makeup from your skin.

If you have dry and sensitive skin, it is ideal to wash your face once or twice a day with a gentle cleanser. Choose a gentle cleanser to effectively clean your pores without imbalancing your skin’s natural moisture. You can follow this with a moisturizer to nourish and protect your skin. If you are concerned about fragrance in products that may irritate your skin, always check a brand’s commitment on how they make their products to ensure you get what you want for the betterment of your skin.

Witch hazel

This magical shrub is indigenous to the United States of America. It has been used since ages by the Native Americans as a remedy for inflammation and skin irritation and many other ailments.

Usually it is applied to the skin and scalp as witch hazel is known to ease inflammation on the skin. In recent times witch hazel is also added to herbal teas and ingested orally in small amounts as a natural remedy for various problems.

Benefits of witch hazel

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is a standard immune response that protects our body against infection and disease. However, acute inflammation is found to wreak havoc help in the development of certain diseases. Witch hazel contains various natural compounds with potent anti-inflammatory properties, such as gallic acid and tannins. It also contains antioxidants that help in preventing the spread of inflammation and neutralize disease-causing compounds that can build up in our body. Therefore, witch hazel could have far-reaching positive effects in treating diseases related to inflammation of the skin.

Reduces skin irritation

Sensitive skin is a highly common skin condition. This condition requires some active care in keeping the skin healthy and disease-free. Applying witch hazel topically benefits sensitive skin as it treats inflammation, irritation, and broken skin. Witch hazel is known to treat the inflammation of skin caused by injury, also known as erythema.


Traditionally, witch hazel has been used as a treatment for sunburns. You can also apply witch hazel to other types of minor skin burns, such as those from chemicals. This makes witch hazel ideal to use on razor burns. For treating scalp, witch hazel has proven to be beneficial for both men and women. Such burns may be related to chemicals or excessive UV-ray exposure. Witch hazel may be applied directly to our scalp during bathing, or it can be mixed in a small amount with a gentle shampoo.

Tightens pores

Pore tightening is due to a substance in our skin known as collagen. As we age, the collagen in our skin loses its vitality. As a result the skin loses its elasticity and starts to sag. This sagging makes our pores look larger, giving our skin a less smooth appearance. Though our pores cannot shrink permanently, applying witch hazel can make them appear smaller. This is because witch hazel is an astringent, meaning that it temporarily causes our skin and pores to contract. Witch hazel also contains tannins which help in compressing the proteins in our skin giving a temporary tightening feeling to the skin. 

 Removes excess oil and helps reduce acne

Many people naturally have oily skin and it is no cause for worry at all. But a build-up of too much oil, as happens with a lot of us, can lead to a shiny appearance, clogged pores, and the onslaught of acne. Witch hazel can effectively remove excess oil from the skin becoming useful in cases of acne. While there is no scientific literature on witch hazel as a treatment for acne, it is found that people with acne tend to produce more oil than people with no or acne. This oil contributes to blemishes when it gets trapped in the pores. Washing our face with soap can help remove some surface natural oil, but as witch hazel is an astringent it can get into our pores and de-oil our skin more effectively and efficiently. 

Razor bumps

Razor bumps or razor burn happens due to excessive friction between our skin and a razor, or when hair curls inwards and grows back into the skin or ingrowth. In both cases, our skin becomes irritated and inflamed, leading to swollen red bumps that are painful and irritating. Witch hazel can be used after shaving to remove residue left on the skin, calm inflammation, and minimize the risk of developing razor bumps.