If you’ve been looking for methods to improve your skincare regimen by including more natural components, you may have noticed that witch hazel has been appearing on all your searches.

Witch hazel is well-known for reducing pores and inflammation, and it’s already found in several cosmetic products. According to Joel Schlessinger, MD, an Omaha-based board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon, “its unique characteristics give medical anti-inflammatory and anti-viral capabilities that are commonly utilized as a topical herb in skincare.”

Is witch hazel worth the hype—and, more importantly, should you make room in your skin care cabinet for it?

For those unfamiliar, Witch Hazel is an astringent produced from the bark and leaves of the North American Witch Hazel, a plant that grows in the United States and Canada. Witch hazel has astringent qualities, but it’s also used for various other things than medicine. Because the tiny plant does not produce enough essential oils to be utilized and it is fairly powerful, a variety of products are combined with witch hazel.

Witch Hazel can be used in various ways, but its primary use is external, such as on sores, swelling, or bruising. Because the addition of alcohol can make the witch hazel even more drying, hydrosols or hydrolats that are gentler than the drug store variety that contains so much alcohol are also produced. Witch hazel’s advantages as an astringent are well established, as is its usage in beauty regimens is used to improve hair shine and as a treatment for varicose veins.

The use of witch hazel for skin issues has been used for generations. Many skincare products use this plant as a naturally calming component. Natural healing of many of the most severe skin issues is simple when you use witch hazel. It can heal even the most obstinate skin problems and alleviate many of the troubles that afflict our skin.  Here’s all you need to know about witch hazel’s possible skin advantages.

Skin repair

We’ve all had skin injuries at some point in our lives. It might be sunburned skin, or it could be redness caused by the wind or pollutants. Shaving or exposure to the weather can cause damage to men’s hair. Witch hazel might probably assist you with any difficulty you’re facing. The skin-soothing properties of witch hazel are well-known. When your skin is rough or blistered, witch hazel natural care is an excellent approach to soothe it. It may be used to cleanse as well as soothe the skin. This makes witch hazel products ideal for a wide range of irritations and skin problems.

Good for your skin

If you’ve ever used toner or an astringent, you’re well aware of how harsh they can be on the skin. Using witch hazel to cleanse the skin is one method to benefit from this natural astringent. You won’t need those stinging alcohol astringents if you use a skin care product that contains witch hazel. You don’t need an extra product to use as an astringent if you use the product to soothe the skin and repair rough spots. For years, witch hazel has been used to treat skin issues, and now you can reap the benefits of that expertise. Witch hazel can assist with skin issues such as cracks, blisters, irritated regions, and shaving nicks and scrapes.  Even eczema and psoriasis now respond to witch hazel as a skin treatment option.

Defends against symptoms of aging

If you’re starting to see fine lines and wrinkles, witch hazel’s antioxidant qualities will help. It can help to eliminate some of the free radicals that cause wrinkles and give your skin a smoother texture. Its astringent qualities can also help your skin appear tighter.  This is something that no synthetic astringent can achieve, and which many low-cost wrinkle treatments fail to achieve. Witch hazel contains polyphenols that may help prevent premature aging: “Theoretically, witch hazel may have antioxidant effects that help mitigate and prevent free radical damage to skin from UV [rays] and oxidizing air pollution,” says Tsippora Shainhouse, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Los Angeles.

Pores are tightened

Deborah Longwill, DO, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Miami Center for Dermatology, states, “Witch hazel contains a rich source of constricting chemicals that make the proteins inside skin cells join together.” What’s the end result? It helps your pores look smaller for a short time.

Antioxidant and Inflammatory properties

Witch hazel contains tannin as well as flavonoids and is a powerful antioxidant that may help heal up cold sores, as well as combat psoriasis, eczema, blistering skin, insect bites, and other topical problems. The natural tannins in witch hazel can help soothe the look of red, irritated, or blotchy skin, making it a useful tool to have on hand when breakouts, bug bites, or a troublesome sunburn are interfering with your style.

It absorbs oil

Witch hazel has high antioxidants and tannins content which makes it work perfectly as a natural astringent on the skin and can help to absorb excess oil. This is why it’s so common in toners and other mattifying treatments.


According to NYC-based board-certified dermatologist Debra Jaliman, MD, author of Skin Rules, aside from being an astringent that reduces oil and redness, the antibacterial qualities of tannins can minimize bacteria development on the skin. Therefore, it can teach acne bacteria who’s boss and minimize the irritation that might occur when outbreaks occur.

Relieves puffy eyes

Witch hazel’s anti-inflammatory and astringent qualities may help decrease puffiness and soothe the under-eye region while also tightening the skin.

Skin tone is improved.

The plant may also be used to treat eczema and psoriasis organically. If you’ve ever been humiliated by the peeling skin and redness associated with any of these illnesses, you know how difficult it is to find a treatment that works. Witch hazel is one of the few natural remedies that can assist with these problems. Witch hazel’s numerous qualities improve the appearance of pores, decrease inflammation, and tighten the skin, resulting in a more even skin tone.

The benefits of witch Hazel are invaluable. Owning it and making it part of your cosmetic cabinet is not a bad idea.